How does the Whippa Snappa embedded insect repellent work?

Harnesses & Bandanas with Built-In Insect Repellent

Effective, hypoallergenic, eco-friendly & machine washable

Whippa Snappa products aren't just a game-changer; they're a pet revolution! Convenient, safe and effective! Our harnesses and bandanas are not just functional and fashionable, but they are embedded with insect repellent to keep fleas and ticks away from your dog. The products remain effective for 80 washes for bandanas, and 30 washes for harnesses, with no need to reapply.


Rest easy knowing that Whippa Snappa's treated products are eco-friendly. Our insect repellent doesn't harm bugs, the environment, your pet or your family, making it a guilt-free choice for your outdoor escapades.

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Which insects do Whippa Snappa products repel?

Our treated products are effective against a wide range of insects. From ticks, fleas, lice, to biting flies and even wasps, IR3535 is an effective repellent. 


Some of these insects are more of a nuisance than a concern, but many carry vector-borne diseases that can affect humans and their pets.

  • Ticks (Ixodus sp.)

  • Fleas 

    (Ctenocephalides felis)

  • Wasps & Bees

    (Vespula sp. & Apis sp.)

  • Biting Flies (Phlebotomus sp. & Stomoxys sp.)

  • Mosquitos (Anopheles sp. Aedes sp. and Culex sp.)

  • Lice (Pediculus sp.)

When we think about our pets, we mostly consider ticks and fleas to be the biggest problem to control! However, many pets have adverse or even allergic reactions to stings, and can be very bothered by mosquitoes, stable flies, sandflies and other biting insects. 


We are all about repelling, not eradicating our wildlife (however bitey it may be). 

The science behind our products

At the heart of our insect repelling products lies the incredible substance IR3535*, a substance that's been around for over three decades. It has been declared by the World Health Organisation and other agencies as safe for pets and people alike


*3-(N-acetyl-N-butyl)aminopropionic acid ethyl ester (Ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate (IR3535))

IR3535 is...

Gentle on human and pet skin

Gentle to nature

Does not harm or kill insects

Non-toxic to aquatic organisms

Does not accumulate in the environment or cause pesticide resistance

At Whippa Snappa, we use an exclusive patented technology for weaving the magic of IR3535 into pet-friendly textiles in our European facility. Our products have an enduring effect, even after up to 80 rounds in a washing machine! The insect repellent is so deeply embedded in the fabric, it will degrade only as the fabric itself starts to degrade.

Inspired by a naturally occurring amino acid, β-Alamin that affects the olfactory receptors of insects. Insects use scent to navigate and find hosts (usually carbon dioxide). Insects avoid entering/landing in spaces with the active substance. β-alanin was modified to safely intensify this signal. Therefore, IR3535 is a repellent and causes insects to move away from treated skin, textiles and hair. Some repellents also show an insecticidal effect. That means some other repellents may kill insects after contact. However, IR3535 only provides a message to repel and does not attack or harm the insect. 


But wait... if it's affecting the olfactory senses, doesn't it smell?   IR3535 doesn’t use aromas to mask the attractant cues that biting insects use to locate their prey, and so it is odourless. Instead, it confuses and paralyses the olfactory senses of the insect and prevents them from recognising a potential host. 


IR3535 is only classed as a biocide by regulators based on its product type category as a repellent. It has no killing effect to target and non-target organisms. 

IR3535® is recommended as a safe and effective insect repellent by WHO (World Health Organisation), ECHA (European Chemicals Agency), CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). As a substance, it is considered safe for use by infants and pregnant woman. It was given U classification by the WHO and has the best toxicological and eco-toxicological profile in its category for all approved biocides.

What can Whippa Snappa do for you?

Whether you want to reduce your use of pharmaceutical flea and tick treatments, or you prefer to stick strictly to alternatives, Whippa Snappa's insect repellent is inspired by nature and gentle on your pet and the environment.

Amanda & Toby

Amanda does not want to treat her dog with flea and tick tablets or topical treatments. She has read a lot of negative stories online and is concerned, and just wants the best for Toby.


Amanda uses strictly natural treatments, but finds they don't always work and often rely on strong smells and odours to keep pests away. Eucalyptus oil irritates Toby's skin and he hates the smell. 


Amanda buys Whippa Snappa products as a safe, effective solution. She loves the designs and patterns. 

The Hughes Family & Bertie

The Hughes family would like to reduce their use of traditional insecticides with Bertie the Labrador. They're concerned about the impact of pesticidal chemicals on their children and the environment. They use a well-known brand of ingestible pill that offers protection for 3 months, but would like to extend the periods between treatments


They have already made the decision not to treat Bertie with topical treatments as he loves swimming, and they worry about the danger to aquatic life as it washes off. They use Whippa Snappa products everytime they go out for a walk, providing an extra layer of safety.

Veterinary Surgeons

Vets can confidently recommend these products to all clients, ensuring a suitable choice for client preferences and needs as part of a risk-based approach (as recommended by the British Veterinary Association). Vets recommend on average 9-11 months of tick treatment per year (Lavan et al., 2021). 


Vets can ensure that the product is effective. Whippa Snappa products harmoniously complement other treatments, whether they are parasiticidal or natural. Our products are reassuring for everyone concerned about both pet welfare and the environment

The problem with ticks
 Proliferation in the UK

Ticks thrive in woodlands, grasslands, heaths, and urban parks, waiting on the ends of vegetation for hosts to brush by. 30% of pet dogs in the UK tested positive for ticks in one study (The Big Tick Project, 2016). 


Climate change, bringing warmer and wetter conditions year-round, has created ideal conditions for the parasites, leading to a surge in flea and tick populations. Ticks are now common from early spring through late autumn and many dog owners will tell you that they've seen them through winter too! 

The primary species here in the UK, Ixodes ricinus (sheep tick), poses a risk to both humans and pets, attaching for 5-10 days, gorging with blood. All life stages of the tick (nymph, larvae and adult) can use dogs as a host.

Health Risks to Pets and Humans

Worldwide, ticks are vectors (carriers) for a long list of dangerous diseases. Prevention of bites is essential for the wellbeing of our pets and our families. 

Lyme disease is a commonly known ailment transmitted through tick saliva. Studies indicate that tick bites can lead to Lyme disease, with 2.5% to 5.1% of ticks in England and Wales infected. Up to 67% of sheep ticks, the species most common in human and dog bites, carry the infection. 


54% of dog owners are unaware that Lyme disease affects both dogs and humans. Whippa Snappa aims to educate and inform dog owners about this, emphasising the importance of awareness.


There are also reports of Babesiosis-infected ticks in the UK. This parasite can lead to severe anemia and immune-related diseases, and is potentially life-threatening.


While tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is extremely rare, infected ticks are becoming more common in the UK. The TBE virus can affect both humans and dogs with a meningitis-like illness. It has recently become endemic to in Thetford Forest and the Hampshire/Dorset border.


Fleas in the UK are typically less likely to spread disease than ticks, but commonly cause flea allergic dermatits in our pets. A heavy infestation can cause anemia, and in rarer cases cause infections like Bartonella spp., Ricketsia felis and Haemoplasma

Preventative measures against ticks are essential to keep our dogs & families safe!

However, many people have concerns about pharmaceutical flea & tick treatments

There is increasing evidence to say that current usage of pharmaceutical prophylactic treatments is not sustainable. This includes spot-on (topical) treatments, ingestible treatments (in tablet form), injections and pesticidal collars. Parasites can pose a risk of disease to companion animals and their owners. Current parasiticide use is possibly impacting the environment, increasing adverse reaction and resistance risk.

What do pet owners say?

Concerns about adverse effects on thier pets

Many pet owners have voiced concerns about parasiticidal treatments, blaming these treatments for adverse effects like seizures and other health issues, although formal scientific evidence supporting such claims remains very limited. In response, a growing number of pet owners are seeking alternatives. Facebook groups discussing the negative effects on their pets of some parasiticides have memberships in excess of 50k people (at the time of writing). 

The repellent we use at Whippa Snappa is inspired by nature, and is widely considered one of the safest options around.

What do scientists say?

Concerns about negative effects on the environment

Chemicals that have been banned in agriculture are used indiscriminately in the pet care industry with seemingly little consideration of the possible risks (says Dr Andrew Prentis). Some of the chemicals (e.g. fipronil) used routinely with pets are banned in agriculture, but used with almost no regulation or monitoring in the companion animal market. It is known that there is significant risk to aquatic life from traditional parasiticides, with nearly all British rivers testing positive for the presence of these chemicals.

The use of topically applied treatments on pets that swim (43.4% of UK dog owners report taking their dogs to swim), or flushing faeces into public sewers, can affect watercourses and aquatic ecosystems. One of the biggest culprits is human handwashing - did you know guidelines say not to touch your pet 24 hours after applying a spot-on treatment? Parasiticides are known to kill insects and other life indiscriminately, not just fleas and ticks.

The repellent we use at Whippa Snappa is eco-friendly and does not pose a risk to aquatic life, nor does it build up in the environment. It does not kill or harm insects, it simply sends a signal to stay away.

We at Whippa Snappa pride ourselves on our eco-conscious insect repellent. It's just that, a repellent, and has no killing action. Whilst many of you reading this wouldn't miss ticks, they do form a part of our ecosystems and what kills a tick, will often indiscriminately cause harm to other organisms. 

What do vets say?

Concerns about overusage of chemical treatments

May veterinary surgeries are reducing their usage of prophylactics, at least as an all-year-round measure (quoted from the British Veterinary Association policy statement). BVA advice to its members (vets) is to take a risk-based approach and to treat pets less frequently if they are low risk of infestation (e.g. indoor animals, not using spot-ons or ingestibles in winter and early spring). 


The BVA encourage the prolonging of the interval between applications, and advocate for monitoring fleas and ticks and treat if required. Please consult your vet about the best options for your dog.

Whippa Snappa products are used as part of a risk-based approach. They can extend the period between chemical treatments, or provide more effective repellent action than natural treatments.

Concerns about the efficacy of Pharmaceutical Treatments

Treating a dog with a parasiticidal product does not guarantee efficacy against fleas. Pharmaceutical treatments do not always offer complete protection, with Fiporonil (used by Frontline) shows particularly poor efficacy in dogs (Cooper et al., 2020). 45% of dogs inspected that were treated with in-date Fipronil still had fleas. 


Fluralaner (used by Bravecto) is much more effective as a parasiticide, but this substance has triggered some of the most vehement opposition amongst pet owners who have profound reservations about its safety and advocate ardently against its use.

How does Whippa Snappa compare?

Harmless to all

Bee, insect & aquatic life friendly

Not affected by resistance

No skin feel or texture


Effective at repelling multiple insect species

No adverse effects reported

Pharmaceutical & Parasiticidal treatments

Toxic chemicals

Lasting environmental impact

Creates pesticide resistance

Can be greasy/oily

Topical treatments have strong smells

Mixed efficacy reported

Adverse effects reported

Here at Whippa Snappa, we're not here to tell you what to do or what's best for your pet. What's right for you will depend on the risks presented to you by fleas and ticks. 


Whippa Snappa products do not kill insects, they do not harm the environment, but they are EFFECTIVE at reducing flea and tick bites in pets. They can be used as complimentary to other treatments (either parasiticidal or natural), they can be used as standalone articles, or simply as fun, fashion accessories that also happen to have a function. Our goal is to offer a safe, hypoallergenic, non-toxic and convenient option for you. 


Our products are already part of your routine! Putting on a harness, coat or collar is part of every single walk. 

Dog Bandanas

with built-in flea & tick repellent

Choose your favourite design


with built-in flea & tick repellent

Choose your favourite design

Frequently Asked Questions
about our insect repellent

Got questions? We’ve got answers...


Anything we've missed, drop us a message! As pet paw-rents, it's so important to be able to access all the information when making decisions for our doggies. 

Is the insect repellent embedded in the fabric?

Yes! The insect repellent is woven into the fibres of the fabric. There is no need to reapply, and our products are even machine washable!

Is my whole dog protected? 

Whippa Snappa products provide continuous protection as long as your dog is wearing them. The greater the coverage, the greater the protection. For our bandanas, they will primarily protect the head, neck and chest, where ticks, fleas and other biting insects are most often picked up. Generally, the smaller the dog, the more coverage one item is able to provide.

What if my dog gets wet?

We know that some dogs can't resist a puddle, or that some days they have to be walked in the rain! If your dog gets wet while wearing Whippa Snappa products, there's no need to worry. They remain effective even when exposed to water. Simply allow the product to air dry naturally, and it will continue to provide protection against fleas and ticks once dry.


Our products are machine washable and permanently embedded with insect repellent, so there is no need to reapply. No, jumping in a puddle doesn't count as a wash! We only count it as a wash when detergent is used. 

Is there an odour?

Our products are fragrance-free. They can be successfully worn without bothering sensitive doggy noses. Many customers even use them when their dogs are tracking or mantrailing and they are not distracting. 

Is there a shelf life?

Use the product within 2 years, and store away from UV light sources when not in use.

Are your products machine washable?

Yes, yes, YES! As paw-rents ourselves, we know how important it is to be able to wash our dog gear, especially after a muddy walk! 


Bandanas can be washed up to 80 times before losing the insect repellent effect, and harnesses up to 30 times. Both harnesses and bandanas can still be worn long after the insect repellent effect is gone

How long does the protection last when you take the product off?

The product is treated, not the pet. Therefore, when you take the product off there is no lasting repellent effect. 

Do your products contain harmful chemicals?

No! IR3535 (our insect repellent) is considered safe by the World Health Organisation, and is one of the safest insect repelling substances on the market. It does not kill or harm insects. The active substance is considered safe for use on children. 

Which insects do your products repel?

Ticks, fleas, mosquitos, biting flies, sand flies, bees, wasps and lice.

Where are your products treated?

Our products are treated in our facility in Europe. The technology for embedding the insect repellent is patented and exclusive to us at Whippa Snappa. 

Where can I wear Whippa Snappa products?

The woods, the fields, the park, the urban streets! Your dog can wear Whippa Snappa gear anywhere they may be exposed to fleas and ticks. (Yes, that includes when Granny comes round whose dog always has fleas!).

How old does my puppy have to be to wear your products?

We recommend our products for puppies over the age of 10 weeks. Before this, the risk of exposure to fleas and ticks is low. 

My dog has sensitive skin - are your products suitable?

Our insect repellent is hypoallergenic and unlikely to cause skin sensitivity. IR3535 scores 0.0/8.0 on the primary irritation index. If any skin irritation occurs, discontinue use and seek veterinary advice. 

Is your insect repellent DEET-free?

Yes! Our products are 100% DEET free. 

How effective are the products?

Whippa Snappa products will greatly reduce the chance of bites. Our products are highly effective at repelling fleas and ticks. The risks to your pet will depend on the area you live in and their exposure. No repellent product is ever 100% effective, and if desired, these products are safe to be used in conjunction with oral and topical flea and tick treatments for extra protection if needed.